The following shots were taken during the 'A' class AC match in 2004Some demonstrate classics shots special to AC players (golf players take note)
The cannon. Three Balls!
A normal drive, good accuracy and distance (power).
Checking accuracy of line for the croquet shot and following shot to peg out the yellow and red, so winning the game
Happy with that so GO FOR IT!
Playing brown onto green (Roquet), take Croquet driving green through to win the hoop and then brown to win the hoop again then Roquet green again. Pretty smart if he does it
Running the hoop? But difficult due to the angle, so maybe not a good idea!
Classic roll shot to get both yellow and red balls to his desired position
Roquet shot rushing yellow to a good position
Another croquet shot, but with a very different result to the roll shot above
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Essex CB11 3PU